Deutsches Aktieninstitut e.V.
The Deutsche Aktieninstitut (DAI) supports efforts to achieve uniform capital market rules throughout Europe as long as they serve the goal of an improved supply of risk capital, improved asset accumulation or an efficient supply of financial services.
Since 1953, DAI has represented the interests of capital market-oriented companies, banks, stock exchanges and investors. The members represent 85 percent of the market capitalization of German listed stock corporations. The political positions of the DAI are broadly supported, scientifically substantiated and formulated in a comprehensible manner. From their base in Frankfurt, the representatives of the DAI exchange expert opinions with the members and incorporate their positions into the legislative processes via the capital city office in Berlin and the EU liaison office in Brussels.

Deutsches Aktieninstitut e.V.
Senckenberganlage 28
60325 Frankfurt am Main