City of Munich

City rankings continue to confirm that the Bavarian capital of Munich is one of the most attractive and successful cities in Germany.

Munich's strength lies in its balanced mixture of knowledge-based and creative industries as well as the great potential of its highly skilled and well-educated workforce. The immediate proximity of manufacturing companies, service companies and research facilities creates a unique environment for cross-sector synergy effects and above-average economic prosperity. Knowledge-based clusters in Munich – information and communication technology, life sciences, financial services, aerospace technology, nanotechnology and automotive engineering – can all be relied upon to provide innovative ideas. Further advantages are the top-quality functional networks, an excellent infrastructure and the wide range of local access to capital and services. What’s more, six companies listed in the DAX 30 have their headquarters in Munich.

Facts & Figures

Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft

Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15

80331 München

Telefon: +49 89 233 25325

